Ormond Anglican Church Camp 2024

how to talk about your faith 

naturally and easily

Friday 13th - Sunday 15th September

CYC ADANAC, Yarra Junction

Please fill out the booking form below by 25th August.

Once we have received your form we will confirm the total cost and full payment will be required by 8th September.

Two things about money:

  1. Please don't let money stop you coming - We'd love everyone to attend who wants to. If you need financial help to come, please email office@ormondanglican.org.au.
  2. If God has given you more than you need, please consider giving something extra to enable others.

Camp is at CYC ADANAC, 47 Hoddle St, Yarra Junction, 2 nights (Fri and Sat), please organise your own transport or share the ride!

Tip: Sat lunch is included in the Day Visitor Registration, any extras will be an additional charge - please contact the office for amount.

Camp is a great time of fun and fellowship - it is especially good if everyone ON the camp can stay AT the camp. So if you would like to share a room with others, please let us know and we will organise it for you!

Please list with whom you are willing to share:

Tip: This is how much I think I can afford to come on the camp

Tip: Please feel free to give an extra amount to support others who are less able financially to attend the church camp.

Direct deposit to Ormond Anglican General Account

BSB: 063881   Account No: 1002 8016 (Name & "camp" in the reference field.)